These support pages are here to help you use your Able-Towers shell. If you are unfamiliar with using FTP or SSH (Secure Shell), then this should be a great help. You will find help on how to login to your Able-Towers shell, and upload files, under the File Transfer and SSH Login sections. For those of you who are new to the Web design field, or are interested in a few tips, then visit the Web page Creation support page. If you are interested in running an eggdrop on your shell, then take a look at DTS's Eggdrop Support pages. The Multiple E-mails support is a guide to setting up your unlimited e-mail aliases as if they were seperate POP3 accounts. There are some shareware downloads available including all the software you need to get you started. Able-Towers now have there own IRC Support Channel. If you have an IRC Client (like mIRC or PIRCH), then connect to on port 6667. If you don't have a chat client, then visit our Java Chat client on the web. Here are some frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions you would like to add to this list, please e-mail |